Raising A Cathedral

The Invitation to the Journey towards Home . . .

The Giver of Life calls us to Himself to be enfolded in His arms of love–A place of comfort, strength, security, and deep peace and joy.

This is what our soul longs for . . .


This is what was lost in Eden . . .

This is the tree of life . . .

This is the land of milk and honey . . .

This is where the brokenhearted come for healing, the lost to be found, the lame to leap with joy, those in shame for forgiveness, the captives to become free . .  This is ALL.

For there is GREAT PLEASURE in the presence of God–

as the sun rises over the horizon . . .as sap runs through a tree . . .

as dew falls upon flowers . . . as waters flow freely into a dry river bed . . .

as beauty calls the heart to MORE . . . as sunlight soaks the pores of plants with chlorophyll . .

as gentle breezes lift the wings of the gull over the sea . . .

as a man and woman experience the ecstasy of union . . .

as the music of a cello floods the air with melodious sounds of the human soul . . .

as in a land flowing with milk and honey . . .

as a human being fully ALIVE! *

This is the power of LOVE THAT CALLS . . . completes the soul with all that is GOOD, with light and hope, with gentleness that whispers, “I am here.”   With STRENGTH that helps you leap over walls . . . that softens your heart of stone . . . that opens the iron gate . . .  that surprises with joy . . . that moves mountains . . .  that stops the flow of blood . . . that speaks to the lost and lonely ones who know in their heads but not their hearts. 

This is the power of LOVE  . . . Who comes . . . Who lives . . . Who is NOW. 

Will you take His hand?              

Tell me:  Is it well with your soul?


(*St Irenaeus, an early Church father in the 2nd Century said that “glory of God is man fully alive.”)

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to the  RELAUNCH of the Hidden Life Ministries blog.  We have another website that focuses more on our beginnings, our mission and values, our Outdoor Sanctuary and more .

This site is for regular blogging, updates and feedback so that we can grow this organic ministry beyond our own backyard :).

But one thing is certain about Hidden Life Ministries, it is ALL His plan, not ours. Looking back, we know that Abba, Father, the  Gardener, has gardened in our souls a long time to bring forth a unique harvest. This harvest is definitely Christ-centered and Scripture-based but it is also about overall wholeness–a spirituality that nurtures and encourages others on many levels–body, soul, mind and spirit.

We are indeed God’s ragamuffins not any different from any of you. . . . except that maybe we are further down the road and can come alongside and help a bit.  On our journey, we have acquired more and more understanding of what it means to be a whole person in Christ.

Simply put, as we become more whole, we become more holy, because in the humility of failure, sin and brokenness, He works tirelessly to transform us more and more into His own image–flooding what used to darkness with His light. Wow, good stuff!

So, check out more about us and we hope you’ll want to listen to what we’ve learned . . .  as we begin to share it more.

Our heart is simply to encourage and comfort  others as we have been comforted and encouraged.  Abba, Father only has our best interests at heart and desires bring us safely HOME by the redeeming work of the Son, and the awesome work of the Holy Spirit.