Cocoon . . . struggles

The words to this poem came to me when I was in Atlanta, Georgia working a wholesale gift trade show at AmericasMart. I had launched an inspirational gift business, called Hidden Life. (What else?) At any rate, I knew nothing about business and was learning “on the fly” like most entrepreneurs. :)  Besides all that, I was trying to recover from a few years of some heartbreaking circumstances. So, early one morning when I was reading the Word and seeking God’s face, I heard Him say . . .


There is hope in the struggle,

the pain you endure;

God is refining, making you pure.

In the midst of the darkness,

confusion and pain—

He touches with tenderness,

whispers your name.

Though you feel like a worm

in a cold, enclosed place;

Call on His Spirit to keep you safe.

Just when you feel you might

surely die-

the cocoon breaks open-

you emerge

 a Butterfly.

   © Janie Seltzer


And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)